Quantitative Research


Empirical, systematic and quantifiable exploration and observation of various phenomena, via statistical, mathematical computational or any other technological techniques. Quantitative research is about gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people to explain a phenomenon

The purpose is to develop models, theories and hypotheses pertaining to the area studied. Quantitative research methods are based on measuring performance to identify correlations. The key is to be able to identify quantitative relationships.

The analysis deploys statistics, software data programs that are meant to point to an unbiased finding that can be generalized to some larger population. Unlike qualitative research, which explores specific experiences, the purpose of quantitative research is to validate insights numerically.

Quantitative research is widely used in sociology, social work, urbanization, finance, economics, demography, psychology, health & welfare, marketing, community health, political science, international relations.

While qualitative research produces information regarding a case, quantitative methods are used to statistically validate one of the offered hypotheses.

Common Methods


Structured surveys or questionnaires designed to gather opinions, preferences, or feedback from a specific group of people, known as respondents

Questionnair-es & Surveys

A set of written questions for collecting information & a systematic method of gathering data from a specific group, often employing questionnaires, interviews, or observations, aiming to analyze trends, opinions, or characteristics within a population.

Analysis of pre-existing statistical data

Examining and interpreting information that has already been collected and organized

Computat-ional analysis

The use of computational techniques, algorithms, and tools to study, process, and interpret data