Let’s Make Israeli Culture a Uniting Force for Jews Everywhere

Published by: Forward September 16, 2015 Rosh Hashanah is a time for taking stock. We size up that which we have and that which we are lacking, and we try to make out the course corrections we need to close the gap. As I see it, one of the greatest things we have going for […]

How to (re)position a country? A case study of the power of micro-marketing

Ido Aharoni

By Ido Aharoni & Amir Grinstein Received (in revised form): 18th January 2017 ABSTRACT The concept of country branding – and its core guiding principle of positioning – triggers interest among politicians, policy-makers, businesses, and consumers. Increasing understanding of the most effective country positioning (or repositioning) practices can be especially valuable for countries with long-lasting […]

Abundant Online Political Discourse Lessens Media’s Influence

Published by: Newsmax Friday, 03 November 2017 03:14 PM EDT Modern technology opens channels of communication between all peoples. With a single tap, you can speak with, listen to, see and experience life with others who are worlds away. The globe is undeniably smaller than ever. Everyone has access, and equally, is accessible. Our political […]