Ido Aharoni & Eran Yashiv on Macroeconomics – TAU Unbound
Our new episode of TAU Unbound highlights the importance of Macroeconomics, which focuses on how an overall economic structure (markets, businesses, consumers, and governments) perform, react and influences our lives. Aharoni & Yashiv discuss economy-wide phenomena such as inflation, price levels, rate of economic growth, national income, gross domestic product (GDP), and changes in unemployment. […]
How the Albert Einstein Museum was Created – Ido Aharoni (June 2023)
As an Israeli diplomat and nation branding practitioner, I had as early as 2007, a vision to create a national Albert Einstein Museum. Now it is being launched after I introduced the vision to art collector Jose Mugrabi, who committed all needed resources and also commissioned famed architect Daniel Libeskind to design the museum. “Brand […]
4 Ways Israeli Culture Boosts Entrepreneurship – Ido Aharoni
Published – Cornell Tech 15th Jan 2016 In 2010, when then Mayor Mike Bloomberg put out the call to universities to propose a model for a new tech grad school to be constructed in New York City, Cornell University envisioned a grad school with first-class research, but one where real world application was a priority. […]
How Brand Israel Managed to Thrive Amid Turmoil? (Advertising Age Interview 2013)
No place, no person, no organization, wishes to be solely defined by its problems. Every place has a DNA, a personality, just like a human being.” Israel managed to thrive as a brand by highlighting its creativity and the creative spirit of its people.
מוזיאון בית איינשטיין בירושלים – היזם – עידו אהרוני
לקריאת המאמר כפי שפורסם ב published on ynet 14.06.2023 לאחר מאמצים שארכו שנים ובמעמד נשיא המדינה יצחק הרצוג הונחה אבן הפינה להקמתו של מוזיאון “בית איינשטיין” בגבעת רם בירושלים. המוזיאון ינציח את המורשת של זוכה פרס הנובל פרופ’ אלברט איינשטיין, מהאבות המייסדים של האוניברסיטה העברית, שהוריש את כל כתביו וקניינו הרוחני לאוניברסיטה. המוזיאון שתכנן האדריכל […]
Ido Aharoni – Recruiting Albert Einstein to make Israel a “popular brand” – A museum will be built in Jerusalem
After years of effort, an Albert Einstein museum will finally be built in Israel.Originally published June 9th The Jerusalem post (print) / FRONTLINES Click on image to for reader friendly / PDF version Read it on Forbes (June 18th 2023) Read it on Ynet News Read it on Jpost (June 23rd 2023) For decades […]
How Pat Robertson Introduced NBA to the Middle East? (Interview with Ido Aharoni from 2014)
Founder of CBN Pat Robertson interviews Israeli diplomat about Iran’s nuclear program but is surprised to discover that in the early 1980’s he had a VERY significant role spreading the message of basketball to the entire Middle East through his METV station in Lebanon.
פרידה משחקן מרכזי, עידו אהרוני
פורסם באתר: Ynet מאת: קרי רובינשטיין, 01.07.16 , 00:28 לפני שש שנים, כאשר אביגדור ליברמן, אז שר החוץ, מינה את עידו אהרוני לממלא-מקום הקונסול הכללי של ישראל בניו יורק, פורסמו התגובות להחלטה. “התקווה היא שעידו אהרוני יחזיר את נושא ההסברה לראש סדר העדיפויות של הקונסוליה בניו יורק”, נכתב אז. “גם תחום היחסים והקשרים בין הקונסוליה […]
Widen The Israel Discussion On Campus
Published by: New York Jewish Week February 17, 2015 12:00 am In recent years, the Jewish community has become increasingly concerned with how Israel is perceived on American college campuses. I am asked frequently, mostly by anxious members of the community, about possible solutions to the problem. Throughout my career of more than 20 years, […]
Israel Must Untangle Its Narrative From That of the Palestinians
By SAM SOKOL. Published by: The Jerusalem Post AUGUST 6, 2015 07:13. Updated: AUGUST 6, 2015 07:14. In order to bolster its public relations efforts abroad, Israel must disentangle its narrative from that of the Palestinians and show the world that there is more to the Jewish state than the Arab-Israeli conflict, Ido Aharoni, consul- general of […]