We Have Always Been Marching Together

Ido Aharoni

Published by: New York Jewish Week May 20, 2014 12:00 am What if I told you that one of the biggest events of the year for the State of Israel takes place not in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv but right here in New York City? And that despite being thousands of miles away, every Israeli […]

Why Birthright Is The Real Game Changer for Israel

Ido Aharoni

Published by: New York Jewish Week April 21, 2015 12:00 am For the first time in Israel’s 67 years of existence, the conversation surrounding the Jewish state has changed. Rather than seeing Israel as a place of conflict, young people are now looking at it as a place of opportunity. For their parents’ and grandparents’ […]

Let’s Make Israeli Culture a Uniting Force for Jews Everywhere

Published by: Forward September 16, 2015 Rosh Hashanah is a time for taking stock. We size up that which we have and that which we are lacking, and we try to make out the course corrections we need to close the gap. As I see it, one of the greatest things we have going for […]

A farewell to Peres, ‘the Most Intellectually Curious Leader in Modern Zionism’

Published by: Newsmax Thursday, 29 September 2016 11:34 AM EDT Shimon Peres, of blessed memory, was perhaps the most intellectually curious leader in the history of modern Zionism, second only to his legendary mentor, David Ben-Gurion. With little formal education, he embodied the true spirit of science and the advancement of knowledge. He was relentlessly curious […]

Trump in Israel – Israeli Public Opinion Matters

Published by: Newsmax  Saturday, 20 May 2017 03:25 PM EDT President Trump’s upcoming visit to Israel will be the eleventh presidential visit in Israel’s 69 years. This is hardly a spectacular record considering the intimacy between the two nations and the fact that Israel is the most reliable, like-minded, and ancillary ally of the United […]